
Abraham - Seth Wood


【独立民谣】Abraham - Seth Wood

选自Seth Wood发行于2009年的同名EP。Seth Wood有一副颇具辨识度的细腻嗓音,暖暖的乡村风宽慰人心,女声和声烘托出了悠远的气氛,

Seth Wood,独立民谣艺人,来自美国田纳西州首府纳什维尔,擅长吉他弹唱。


Wake sister, wake sister
Open your eyes
The stars in the sky are done

Wake up your mama
She is drifting away
She is not the only one

Go to the country, go to the field
Go to the rusty steel
Work in the heat, threshing the wheat
Just for Another Meal

Come on Love
Come on Soul
Come on Heart
You're beating slow

Go brother, Go brother
go build a fire
And Burn it until its higher
Stray from the ashes
Stray from the flame
That's burning against the rain

Go pappa, Go pappa
Go to the church
And Jesus will heal your bones
Walk with him, 
talk with him everyday
He'll make you an Abraham son

Come on Love
Come on Soul
Come on Heart
You're beating slow

Come on Love
Come on Soul
Come on Heart
You're beating slow

Wake mama, wake mama
Open your eyes
The stars in the sky are done
Wake up the world that is drifting away
We're not the only ones

